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Protonics T2 PRESS RELEASE 1/1/17


Lincoln, NE:         Protonics Technologies, in conjunction with the Sentir Technologies Robotics Lab in San Diego, CA, announced today how  the individual can get their hands early on a Protonics® T2, an Intelligent Neuromuscular Training System™ for health & fitness Centers, professional sports teams, and the fitness enthusiast.  First tested with the U.S. Military and elite athletes, the patented Protonics® T2, used during warm-up & workout circuit, allows muscles on both sides of the body to work in synergy, minimizing right-side dominance, and optimizing functional strength, speed, and agility for the athlete in the activity or sport they are performing. The Protonics® T2 is based off of the proprietary Protonics technology originally developed by Ron Hruska PT, MPA and Inventor Frank Joutras.

Please see the video on YouTube at:

The Protoncs T2 will be available as perks on starting February 15th.

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