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Protonics Testimonials

Protonics Technology has been extensively tested by college and professional athletes, and through some of the top clinical facilities in the world.  Below are some of the testimonials from users of Protonics to increase speed, strength and flexibility, or to just get back to normal life by reducing pain related to improper biomechanics.  To view peer-reviewed studies, please click here.

Boyd Epley describes his first encounter with Protonics and how it changed his life!  "What a tremendous experience when you're in pain for over 10 years and all of a sudden the pain is gone".


Boyd Epley CSCS*D, FNSCA, RSCC*E World Recognized Strength & Conditioning Coach

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I first visited Jon (at Optimum Performance PT) in the spring of 2017 ... Using Protonics Jon fitted me with, I was able to train consistently and manage my hip pain. I went on to have a successful season, including breaking two school records at the 2018 Big 12 Championships.  See Mary's full story here.

Mary Kate Luddy

"Use of Protonics prior to working out instantly optimized my strength, speed and agility".

Click on this video that shows Brennan dramatically increasing his vertical jump by first getting biomechanically balanced with Protonics prior to activity, sports, or circuit training.

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Letter to the President after 2 days of Protonics usage


Dear Frank:


I wore my Protonics device for a couple hours yesterday while doing yard work.  What kind of miracle device have you created here?  I am blown away.  Blown away!  Cannot begin to articulate the difference.  We need to disseminate to the masses, targeting strategically.  Think of how many people you could keep off opioids by getting this into their lives?  It will save lives.  And I'm not being over-dramatic here. 


Kudos, sir.

Dave Duggan


Letter to the President after 5 days of Protonics usage

Dear Frank:


I was working out at Lifetime Fitness in Urbandale this morning, wearing my Protonics.  A gal next to me stated... "I used that...for about five months."  I asked, "Protonics?".  "Yes", she replied.  I said "It's a miracle device".  She said, "Yes it is.  Can't wait to be able to do the downloads".  Protonics anecdote of the day.  


I am as close to my natural walking stride as I've been in almost five years.  Just so thrilled...and hopeful I can maintain this state.


Good day,

Dave Duggan

"Several athletes in which I used Protonics as part of their rehab and training regime broke personal and college records!" 

Jon S.  


"I see that Protonics has a vast use for the fitness enthusiast, whether they are a Pro-level athlete, college level, high school, or your neighbor across the street."   

Scott D. 


“I love the Protonics and I am a big believer.” 

Gib D. 

"I developed patellar-tendonitis during the last few weeks of my rehab for a tibial patellar fracture and use of Protonics helped me relieve my pain and progress my strengthening in order to be discharged."

Torie J.


“Protonics saved my life and my profession! I am a hairdresser, and I injured my back and was unable to work.  I was recommended to the Protonics system from a client. The Protonics system was very instrumental with my back recovery along with going to a chiropractor.   I am forever grateful for this product.” Kathleen V. 

“Protonics has kept me pain free from sciatic nerve pain for years. I love that I have a tool to go to when my sciatic/hip pain comes back.   I use the system sometimes for a week or a month at a time depending on the level of activities I am doing.” 

Lynn D.


"The protonics device made all the difference. I had been struggling with jumper's knee for a long time. I literally had tried everything to relieve the pain and inflammation in my right patella tendon. A friend suggested a physical therapist in Lincoln that could possibly help me. I made an appointment took his advice got the original protonic device, and the rest is history.  Within a couple of days of wearing and doing the exercises I was given actual made all the difference in the world. Anyone who has ever had chronic pain will try anything for relief.  To this day I still have my original Protonics brace and use it as needed."

Long time fan,
Al Ertzner


“OMG!  I love this product! I have had hip, knee and neck pain for most of my life and Protonics has been a lifesaver to use as needed. When I over train and am working in the yard and my hip flexors flares up, I know exactly what to do, pull the system out of the closet and start with the repositioning exercise and walk with the system on low.” 

Jean S. 

"I realized very early on that using Protonics to help my clients recover from low back pain, plantar fasciitis, anterior knee pain and ACL recovery expedited their recovery. I’ve presented this device to numerous orthopedic surgeons and MDs with chronic pain patients and would get steady referrals to prescribe the device as part of their rehabilitation.” 

Chris P.   

"Whenever I would have lower back pain, which usually gets so bad that I was unable to walk, I would pull out my Protonics System from the closet and follow the four repositioning exercises and immediately the pain went away, and I could stand up straight and walk.  This product is AMAZING!!" 

Lana B.  


"In my experience, I have seen that Protonics expedites an athlete’s return to competition, and a person's return to activity or work after an injury.  Personally, Protonics keeps me biomechanically efficient so I can keep running marathons!" 

Kent T. 


“My sciatic pain was so bad, that I was not sure I would be able to get on a flight to a Construction Conference in Las Vegas, NV because of the pain.  My sister met me prior to leaving the hotel and lent me her Protonics system. She showed me how to do the repositioning exercise and within minutes, I was relieved of my sciatic pain.  I took the system with me on the trip and used it the entire time I was at the conference, and it was a Godsend to get me through the trip and relieved my pain.” 

Michael D. 


“I had over four years direct experience with Protonic System.  My number one customer was the Cleveland Clinic, who valued the Protonics System because they had great outcomes with their patients. “ 

Gina W. 


“Protonics presents a simple to use treatment option to achieve neutral pelvis alignment to control torsional influence on the trunk and extremities.”   

Kellen B. 


“I have seen personally how my wife and others have benefited from the use of Protonics.  I personally recommend it to anyone that has a biomechanical imbalance!" 

Mike T.   


"Protonics has given me the privilege to collaborate with my patients through education and restoration of function in order to attain an improved quality of life". 

​Shane J.   


“Protonics helped my patients avoid unnecessary surgery, and restore function, often in 15 – 20 minutes! Great for hip, back and knee pain.” 

Sherry M.  


“As a physical therapist, I found Protonics to be an incredibly effective tool for treating patellofemoral pain. Its biomechanically based approach provided immediate pain relief by addressing the root cause of the dysfunction. Ease of use was key to driving patient adherence, as it seamlessly fit into their daily routine. Over time, I saw lasting improvements in my patients' function, as Protonics helped restore proper movement patterns and strengthen key muscle groups. It is a solution that works both in the short term for pain relief and in the long term for functional recovery.” 



“With our family history of hip problems, this has been a great resource for my mother to improve her hip alignment issues.”  

Ben L. 

“Boyd Epley told me about this Protonics system that helps the back and hip.  He lent me his system, and the results were impressive; it was a difference between night and day how I could walk.” 

Judson B. 


“Since I am avid golfer, I experience left hip issues from time to time. I use the Protonics system in-between appointments with my chiropractor adjustments to keep hip in a neutral position.” 

Jeff K. 


 "Protonics allows the athlete to experience alternating function for any type of activity they are going to engage in, whether they run, walk, or workout, it’s a great way to keep the body in a balanced state."   

Ron H. 


“I used the Protonics system for my back pain years ago.  I thought to myself, how will a device that looks like a knee brace help me with my back.  After being educated by the representative and instructed on the repositioning exercises, I was still not convinced until I tried it and instantly my back pain was gone.” 

Paul V.  


"Protonics helped me activate my hamstrings much better than before, which helped my medical condition.” 

Mark Y.

"I have used the Protonics neuromuscular repositioning device multiple times over the years. It is a helpful objective tool that patients can feel and see the changes immediately upon trial in clinic. For highly patterned patients it can change their lives. By far my favorite clinical tool to enhance my treatments and patient outcomes. Brilliant!"

Rochelle A.

"I was in my early 40’s when I tried this product for the first time, I had never heard of it before and it wasn’t anything they offered in Physical therapy, my knee had been hurting for over a month, I love to run so I thought maybe I had injured it by running so much, I went to a specialist and had an X ray, he did a physical examination, could not find anything wrong, suggested I go to Physical Therapy, I did go a few times but it seemed to be getting worse so I stopped and decided I would just take it easy and let it heal on its own. It hurt so bad I had a very hard time going up and down steps and I was only in my 40’s and always active and healthy so this was a major struggle for me! My husband’s parents introduced me to the founder, he came to our home, fitted me with the device and adjusted it, it was very easy to use and put on! He had me do a series of exercises and after we took it off, not only was I not in pain! I was able to run up and down our stairs in no pain! A complete life changing experience!"

Kari M.

Testimonial Disclaimer

Testimonials were received in various forms through a variety of submission methods. The testimonials reflect the real-life experiences of individuals who used our products. However, individual results may vary. Testimonials are not necessarily representative of what anyone else using our products may experience. The people giving testimonials may have received a free product or a discount for use of their experiences. The testimonials displayed are given verbatim except for grammatical or typing error corrections. Some testimonials may have been edited for clarity or shortened in cases where the original testimonial included additional information of no relevance to the general public.

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