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Are you Right Side Dominant ?...It's much more then just being right or left handed...besides not being able to perform at your optimum level, you could actually be causing significant damage and inflammation to your body by causing unbalanced muscle activation and misalignment...If you answer yes to any of the questions below, click the video below to see how Protonics used as a warm-up prior to activity can help!


*   Always start walking with left leg. Struggles to initiate a step with the R leg (weight shifted to that side).

*   Minimal or NO R arm swing.

*   R shoulder/chest lower than left shoulder (scapula depressed on R side).

*   One or both legs turn out when sitting, standing and lying.

*   Overdevelopment of compensatory muscles (lats, anterior neck, lateral thigh).

*   Favorable standing position is on the right leg while rotating their upper body to the left.

*   Asymmetry of the head and face.

*   Anterior tilted pelvis, and possible curvature of the spine.

*   Hyper-extended hamstring and tight IT band.

*   Knee, lower back, SI, or shoulder pain on either the left, right, or both sides of the body.

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Balance your left side to optimize muscle patterns, reduce right-side dominance & increase performance!

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Protonics G3 Overview

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Protonics G3 System
Retail Price $495


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World-Renowned Professionals on Protonics 

Top Professionals in Sports Training, Functional Movement, and Rehab discuss the advantages of being in a neutral position and avoiding overuse of the right side by warming up with Protonics on the left side. 

Welcome to the Protonics Team! You will now be notified of when to receive SPECIAL DISCOUNTS and get FIRST ACCESS to the Protonics G3.


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